Round trip in the woods of the Mount Titano’s Cliff. Starting from Borgo Maggiore, we will talk about the old Mercatale/Market (on the World Heritage List together with Mount Titano and San Marino’s old town centre since 2008). Walking along the trail in the woods of the Cliff we will reach the Third Tower and...
The old watermills and Canepa canyon
Round trip starting from Fonte dell’Ovo and finishing at Casa di Fabrica. The first part of the trail is in the woods and goes down to the streams of Ca’ Mazzocchetto and Montecchio. Walking along the edge of the canyon, we will reach Canepa stream where we will see the entrance of a cave. Past...
Gorgascura footpath
Round trail starting from Fontevivo and siding San Marino stream. Then, it goes uphill to the former Acquaviva gypsum quarry and the little village of Pietraminuta. This footpath extends across the countryside where old farms have been turned into small residential areas. At the beginning of the trail, we will see one of the old...